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FactSet ESG Newsletter

Stay informed on new ESG product releases, research from ESG experts, conference presentations, and more. This quarterly newsletter will highlight the latest happenings related to ESG at FactSet.


What's New

Company/Security ESG Report within FactSet Web and the FactSet Workstation

As noted in the previous newsletters, FactSet released a comprehensive ESG report (Company/Security > ESG) that enables the comparison of ESG metrics across vendors for individual companies.


New additions to the report include:

Internal ESG Scores

Clients have the ability to enter their own custom ESG scores through a proprietary mapping table and/or subscription to FactSet's Research Management Solution. For those users leveraging a custom score, this option will be the first choice and then users will be able to compare the custom score to other ESG providers.

Internal ESG scores


Sustainability Linked Bonds added to GSS Company Security and Universal Screens

In addition to Green, Social and Sustainability Bonds, FactSet recently added sustainability linked bonds in Company Security and Universal Screening.

SUstain screenshot


ESG Signals

Truvalue ESG Signals were recently added to Company Security ESG report, which provide notifications based on the following changes:

1. ESG Rank: A company had a change in rank relative to their peers

ESG Rank

2. ESG Top Category: Changes based on a company’s Dynamic Materiality

ESG Top Category


Truvalue Historical Rank Chart 

This chart shows the history of ESG Rank changes for a company, and clicking on a time period in the chart reveals underlying Spotlight Event data, Street Account updates, and other updates that affect the company’s ranking.

The chart, available to Truvalue subscribers, is linked to within the Truvalue section of the ESG Overview.

ESG Rank Over Time Chart img


Coming in August:

  • ESG Thematic Involvement: This product, based on Revere Hierarchy with Revenue and Tradenames, reveals company ESG involvement.  Investors can use it to apply exclusionary and inclusionary strategies as desired for a given client or product.

  • Dynamic Materiality Over Time: This chart for Truvalue subscribers shows the changing prominence of different ESG topics over time for a company. Clicking on a point in time shows the underlying Truvalue Spotlight Events.

  • Peer Analysis Enhancements: The updated Peer Analysis tab within the ESG Report will allow for increased customization. Users will be able to customize the table columns and the order of the tables to their liking. The custom columns will allow users to include Fundamental and Estimate metrics in addition to the ESG metrics already included. Users can use the updated table for a comprehensive comparison of companies and their peers.
ESG Filter in Today's Top News

Discover the latest market-relevant ESG news by using the ESG Sector filter in Today's Top News. Read ESG-specific market synopsis, top stories, most read pieces, and portfolio specific news or view upcoming ESG Events all in one screen. 


Reach out to your FactSet 
Customer Success or Sales representative with any questions.

ESG Thematics: Coming Soon!

This September, FactSet will be releasing Revere ESG Thematic datasets, which enables easy analysis of corporate exposure to ESG themes based on revenue and product involvement. Quickly spot and screen for ESG exposure to themes such as alternative energy and tobacco all mapped back to as-reported business segments or product Tradenames. This data will be available via FactSet and data feeds.

Learn more about the data on the Open:FactSet Marketplace.

Support for SFDR Annex 1–5 Reporting

FactSet’s ESG and regulatory experts recently released customizable SFDR Annex templates to support compliant Annex I-V reporting and European ESG Template (EET) creation. FactSet's SFDR solution allows you to:

  • Audit report components with direct links to the underlying portfolio analytics calculations.
  • Generate PDF outputs for all SFDR Annexes I-V, enhanced by client-supplied narrative disclosures and quantitative sustainability disclosures.
  • Utilize Principal Adverse Impacts (PAI) & Periodic report components in generating the European ESG Template (EET).  

Learn more here.

Truvalue Local News Sources

GettyImages-848957546This month, Truvalue added 1,306 local news sources. These sources cover countries including Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Sweden, Norway, Finland and others.

Reach out to your FactSet Customer Success or Sales representative for more information.


Content Spotlight

ESG Investment Insights from Unstructured Data

This white paper by Wolfe Research introduces FactSet's Truvalue ESG Data. Check it out to learn how Truvalue scores generate strong performance in most regions and industries and how incorporating Truvalue ESG metrics into a risk model framework improves the accuracy of risk predictions.

Read the full article here.


What Are Scope 4 Carbon Emissions?

GettyImages-1146605758Required reporting standards for carbon emissions have focused on different types or scopes of impact. Though Scope 1 and 2 emission disclosures are most common to date, more organizations are starting to report on Scope 3 as well. And a newer concept, Scope 4, should be entering the conversation more heavily in months to come. In this Insight article, FactSet's Tom Abrams, CFA (Associate Director, Deep Sector Content) discusses the origins and intent of the environmental reporting scopes, the challenges of Scopes 3 and 4, Scope 4 scenarios, and the difficulties of estimating Scope 4 emissions. Learn from high-level examples in this article.

Read the full article here.


In the Spotlight: Norfolk Southern Corporation (NSC) and the Cost of Derailment

On average, there were about 1,400 derailments per year over the past decade. A closer look at FactSet Truvalue Spotlights over that time reveals Norfolk Southern Corporation has a unique “derailment footprint.”

Learn more in our analysis here.


Demo: Entelligent T-Risk on FactSet

T-risk Entelligent demoIn this clip from an Entelligent and FactSet webcast, FactSet's James Cardamone (Vice President, ESG Product & Strategy) demonstrates Entelligent’s T-Risk scores and shows how they can be used to gauge and report climate transition risk.

Watch the demo here.


FactSet in the News

Dinah Koehler portrait 2Interview with Dinah Koehler: Developing Policies and Frameworks to Mitigate Greenwashing Risks

In this interview with CeFPro, FactSet's Dinah Koehler (Director of ESG Research) discusses the meaning of greenwashing and what it means for financial institutions.

Read the interview here.

Case Study Spotlight

Leading Hedge Fund Leverages FactSet Truvalue ESG Data and Data Management Solutions for Unique Credit Trading Bond Selection Strategy

GettyImages-1225383258This hedge fund planned to develop and launch a new strategy focused on sustainability in the credit markets, but they faced several challenges such as that most ESG providers score the company as a whole and do not provide any specific indications at the security level. After implementing FactSet's Data Management Solutions with Truvalue ESG data, the ability to link from corporate-level ESG scores down to credit issuances saved the firm valuable time and resources.

Read the case study to learn more here.

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Missed the previous issues? Access past ESG Newsletters here:

May Newsletter
January Newsletter
November Newsletter